
You Must Follow the GTO Task Rules

All the candidate who wants to become an officer in the Indian Armed forces, they will need to qualify the SSB Interview. The SSB Interview is the toughest Interview at 10+2. This is five days long and each day you will be tested in a different manner. Here in this article, we will see the procedure of the SSB Interview and know some SSB GTO Tasks Rules that one must follow. Check out the article which is completely about the SSB Interview and its some rules and regulation that is mandatory to follow.

What is GTO in SSB Interview:

The SSB Interview is five days long and, on the 3rd, and 4th day of the Interview. You will appear for the group Activities which are held under the supervision GTO (Group Testing Officer). In this group Activities there is around nine activity that one has to perform:

  • Group Discussion (GD)
  • GPE or MPE group/Military planning exercise
  • Progressive group task (PGT)
  • Snake race
  • Lecturette
  • Half group task(HGT)
  • Individual obstacles
  • Command task
  • Final Group Task (FGT)

These are the activities that one has to perform in the Group Activity. As you know that these activities are performed under the supervision of Group Testing Officers (GTO). There are some rules and regulations of GTO to complete the activity. There are five rules that are mandatory to be followed by the candidate to complete the task.

GTO Rules for Group Activity of SSB Interview:

As I told above that there is a total of five rules to complete the group activities. Each rule has its own importance. Here is the name of the rule and explanation of each rule is below the name:

  • Group Rule
  • Colour Rule
  • Distance Rule
  • Rigidity Rule
  • Infinity Rule

Group Rule:

Group rules are very important while performing any group activity. This rule is just to check the nature of the work of the candidate, Wheather the candidate is able to work in a group or not. Is he selfish or not.  These rules basically imply unity. You must always move with your group. Don’t even try to be over smart.

Colour Rule:

This rule is to use the colored structure as per the instruction. There would be seen three colors on the ground.

  • Red: All red-colored structures not to be tough by the man as well as material.
  • Blue: Blue Structured can be tough by the candidate but not but the material.
  • White: White Structured can be tough by the candidate as well as material. Your following nature and analyzed here.

Distance Rule:

As per this rule, Any distance which is more than 4 feet are not to cross by jumping even you is able to do so.  You have crossed the distance by the bridging using the helping material. The Distance would not be written there. You have measure each distance whether it is four feet or more than this. Do not ask GTO again and again. Take a rough measure.

Rigidity Rule:

As per this rule. A candidate cannot bind or tie any two rigid helping material. At the Ground tasks, you will get Pattaas and Ballies. You can take the help of that but there are some rules in this too.

Pattaas and Ballies cannot be tied together. They can be put on one or can be tied with the Structure.  Doing all these activities. Keep the color rule in Mind.

Infinity Rule:

As per this rule, The finishing lines are extended to infinity. No candidate can cross the obstacle ground to reach the finish line. You have to cross the obstacle to reach the finish lines.

These are the rules and regulations of the SSB Interview GTO. One must prepare for this so well to get qualified in one attempt. It would be very difficult to clear if you would be well prepared for this.

How to Prepare for SSB GTO:

First of all, it is a group activity and moves with your group. Never leave your partner behind.  This activity is basically set to check the candidate’s performance in the group.

In order to prepare for this, I would suggest joining the best SSB Interview Institute for better training and education. Always join the Institute which is Ex-SSB Interviewer for the training. They can train you very better for this. This activity plays an important role in the selection. There are also some books of SSB Interview that is written by the SSB Interviewers, You can also read those book for some quality information. This Interview is completely different from personal and other regular Interviews. The Examiners finds the officer like quality to select the candidate. To get selected in the SSB Interview, you will need to implant those officers like quality. Join the best Institute and get trained well for the Interview.


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